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An Interview With Rainbow Mosho


Where are you from?

I was born in Greece. My mom is from Puerto Rico. My dad is from Greece. I am a Greekarican!

How did you first get into crypto/NFTs?

In November 2021, my mom had been hearing about NFTs for months, and she asked me if I was interested in learning something new and sharing my creations and books with a larger audience.

I said, of course.

My mom said she had a rough time understanding the thought process - how to buy crypto, transfer to other platforms, and create the NFTs. She helped me with all of that. I am on the autism spectrum, a teen, and my mind is not that techie yet. She said you keep creating, have fun with it, and I will find what is needed to get you going.

And here we are, almost 9 months later, still going and ready for more. Especially with the incredible community of young artists I belong to and the opportunities created by NFT Kids Mag to get exposure and build my future.

What platform did you choose and why?

We chose to use OpenSea because most of the information my mom found pushed it big time. She read tons about gas fees and found out about Polygon and Umbria to move ETH to Polygon, and she’s a convert. She tells me there are no limits. There is always a way to gain access to opportunity, and that’s what Polygon/Matic gave us – access to handle this process with a budget we could manage and be present and ready to grow.

What are the most important things in your life?






What do you enjoy when not creating art?

Movies, silly time, driving my mom bananas, dessert, junk food, gardening, and exercising.

I also do back, and forths around the house to better handle my sensory needs.

Tell us about your project.

Rogue Girls expose different girls from every corner of the world, revealing their true selves, fighting for justice, saving the world, and being proud of their cultural heritage and what they do. Yes, I will create 75 Rogue Girls or more, with wild stories and amazing illustrations.

Plus merchandise and books. My Rogue Girls represent female empowerment in all its forms.

The reason why they are a real collection is because I saw Vogue magazine and I could not relate to the fashion shown. Why? Because I did not know their stories. So I decided to create my own magazine covers - Rogue Girls with wild stories!

What makes it unique?

The Rogue Girls are eccentric, brave, selfless, caring, resourceful, kind, stubborn, responsible, honest, rebellious, spunky, feisty, and loving. Each illustration has a story.

Where do you get your inspiration?

The beauty of the world and mythology keep me inspired big time. Also, when PTSD and OCD kick in hard, I get inspired to create to handle those challenges. I get a lot of support from my mom and family to keep learning how to live life fully and not allow the past and negative experiences to rule my present.

What motivates you/your work?

A sense of fairness and fighting my fears motivate me so much. Finding out about injustice around the world gets my mind going. I must write a story, and a piece of art (or several) must be created. I am learning more and more to use art as my anchor, which will keep me safe and sane. I am learning not to live like a victim. I have many labels given to me by society and the medical system, but these labels do not define my present or future.

How has your style evolved over the years?

The evolution is real. Five or six years ago, I drew circles and sticks. There was always meaning to my creations. But they lacked definition and color.

Four years ago, something clicked, and my art became more defined. My use of color had greater purpose. My shapes were more obvious, and I felt more comfortable creating.

My digital creations had a style in development. An artist from Ukraine (Kakartina) said my use of colors reminded her of Matisse.

I still have tons to learn. And I cannot wait to see what the future holds.

What’s next for you/your project?

I am one busy bee. I start high school soon, and I look forward to this new chapter in an all Arts school.

I will be releasing the NFTs for my Rogue Girls collection and the merch on RedBubble, while also self-publishing my 5th book Rogue Girls Rule. Included in the book, you will find my art and stories about these mighty girls and women who broke laws and fought for justice.

The art of 10 young artists will also be included in my book (they participated in my Rogue Girls Rule Art Challenge).

I will speak at NFT Nashville. I will participate in local NFT exhibits and entrepreneur events.

Hopefully, I will go to California and support the Give4Kidz Art and Film Festival as a sponsor.

If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be?

I would love to collaborate and/or be mentored by Varvara Alay!

Yes, the creator of the Flower Girls project. Her art has evolved so much, and as time passes, it becomes more meaningful. I relate to it so much because it helps me escape from my worries.

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